Frequently asked questions

 Q: What kind of events can I have at the shop?

A: So many! We’re open to clubs of all sorts, workshops, meetings, parties, showers, classes, concerts, open mics, and more! Coffee & food packages are also available. Definitely send us an email at!

Q: Is the shop handicap accessible? What about a gender-neutral restroom?

 A: But of course! This shop is founded on inclusivity! Our handicap parking is located next to our two handicap entrances through the greenhouse. There is a ramp to the cafe space which includes additional handicap bar seating! A gender-neutral, handicap accessible restroom is located directly off of the cafe (There’s a changing table in there, too!). 

Q: What’s on the menu?

 A: We made a whole page for that! Check the navigation bar or click here. (Note: seasonal specials may not be listed online)

Q: Do you roast in-shop?

A: Our Divine Goddess house blend, pour over, and decaf beans are all roasted in-house by Gooseneck Coffee Co.

Q: Are children welcome?

 A: You betcha! Our greenhouse even has a kids area with toys and other activities so you can enjoy your joe in peace.

Q: Can I bring my own mug?

A: Sure! We just ask that it’s as clean as possible. Our shop is extremely low waste. We recycle and compost, too!

Q: Who designed the space?

A: Our buds at Five Eighths Architecture led the project with the help of local partners for detail work! Check out their feature on our shop here.

Have more questions? We would love to answer them!
